What Causes Sudden Tiredness?
Imagine that you are moving around and completing daily tasks when suddenly you feel tired. Perhaps you're sitting at your work desk or helping your child with his homework when you instantly begin to...
View ArticleHow to Prevent Sleepwalking
Engaging in activities while sleeping is referred to as somnambulism or sleepwalking, which affect individuals of all ages. Sleepwalking commonly occurs during deep rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. The...
View ArticleHow to Get Rid of Restlessness
Symptoms of restlessness can be a major issue for some people. The biggest issue with restlessness is an inability to relax and get a good night's rest. Without a restful night's sleep, you can expect...
View ArticleHow to Apply a CPAP Mask
If you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, a CPAP mask connected to a CPAP machine can be a lifesaver. Continuous positive airway pressure pushes the tongue forward to keep your airway clear, so you...
View ArticleWays to Get Sleepy Fast
Some find lulling off to sleep at night a particularly challenging endeavor. If you find that your head is too filled with thoughts and concerns to allow you to sleep when it hits the pillow, you may...
View ArticleHow to Cure Nightmares in Teenagers
Nightmares are common sleep disturbances that impact how your teenager feels the next day. A nightmare has the ability to disrupt sleep, leaving your teen feeling tired, restless, moody and emotionally...
View ArticleReasons for Waking Up in the Middle of the Night
Sometimes waking up in the middle of the night can signal that you’re body needs something or you need to adjust your nighttime routine. Because the tendency to wake up in the middle of the night can...
View ArticleHow to Stop Waking Up After Three Hours
Insufficient sleep is bad for your health. On average, an adult requires 8 hours of sleep each night. Failing to sleep properly or waking up after three hours can be caused by stress or health issues....
View ArticleHow to Recover After Being Awake All Night
Staying up all night is something that many people have experienced at least once. It should not be a regular occurence. Pulling all nighters is detrimental to your health and impedes functioning in...
View ArticleWarning Signs of Sleep Deprivation
Sleep, according to the Sea Room website, is a biological state necessary for our overall health. People spend approximately a third of their lives asleep, and the majority need a minimum of eight...
View ArticleWhat Causes Someone to Snore When Sleeping on Their Side?
While some people only snore when lying on their backs, others experience the problem regardless of their sleeping position. If the cause of your snoring is the result of your tongue blocking your...
View ArticleHow to Fall Asleep Early
Getting to sleep early can be a challenge because often, the more you want it to happen, the harder it is to relax and drift away. The amount of sleep you get can drastically affect your mood, energy...
View ArticleHow to Wear a CPAP Chin Strap
Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that can cause numerous and serious health effects for those who suffer from it, including severe fatigue, impaired reaction time and vision trouble. During...
View ArticleThe Difference Between REM Sleep and NREM
During sleep the body and the brain rest and rejuvenate. Scientists can record brain activity during sleep with a machine called an electroencephalograph. The EEG shows two basic patterns of activity,...
View ArticleTips on Recovering From Night Shifts
People who work the night shift, between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. can experience trouble sleeping. In fact, there's a term for the condition called Shift Work Sleep Disorder. Recovering from...
View ArticleHow to Stop Body Rocking When Going to Sleep
Sleep compulsions are used by some people to cope with stress; they calm and sooth the person to sleep. Rocking the body to sleep is considered a common sleeping habit. It is not dangerous, but it...
View ArticleHow to Change Your Circadian Rhythm
Being a night owl on Monday and an early bird on Tuesday only works if you're under a rare deadline crunch and will use a cup of coffee to get you through the next day. However, if your sleep cycle is...
View ArticleHow to Know If Your CPAP Machine Pressure Setting Is Correct?
CPAP machines are frequently used by persons who suffer from sleep apnea or another sleep disorder. Research shows that the compliance rate for CPAP is only around 60 percent, since the machine can...
View ArticleMidNite Sleep Aid Directions
MidNite is an over-the-counter dietary supplement that is made from four natural sleep ingredients -- chamomile, lavender, lemon balm and melatonin. The pills are gluten- and lactose-free. Unlike other...
View ArticleHow to Make Myself Tired
Approximately 70 million people in the United States suffer from some sort of issue with sleep, including having trouble falling asleep, according to SleepMed. The anxiety of money, kids, marriage and...
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